
Posts Tagged ‘statistics’

How Far Away is Death?

People of a young age usually look on the day of their death as something far off. This is of course provided that their demise does not come about through a car wreck, freak accident, or any other form of “untimely death”. It has been said that the average person will die around the age of 70. If thats true lets look at the time we have left from a different perspective other than years. For example something we all love, weekends. If your 20, then that means you only have 2,500 weekends lefts. If your 30, you only have 2,000 weekends left. If your 40, then you only have 1,500 weekends left. If your 50, then you only have 1,000 weekends left. Finally, if your 60, you have a mere 500 weekends left. Life is short. Death is certain. The Bible says after death we all must face a holy and righteous God at judgment. He will see everything we ever did, said, and thought about. He will judge us by the standard of his Law(the Ten Commandments). You only have to look at a few. Have you ever lied, stolen, or taken Gods name in vain? Thats only three. Jesus said if you look with lust, you commit adultery in your heart. Thats the seventh commandment. If God judged you by the standard of the ten commandments, where do you stand, innocent or guilty? Repent and trust in the Savior while your heart still beats